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Ngày nhận bài: 08/12/22 Ngày hoàn thiện: 16/05/23 Ngày đăng: 16/05/23Tóm tắt
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PDFTài liệu tham khảo
[1] T. H. Ha, Investigating report on production and trading of Khau Xien Pan Purple sticky rice in Cao Bang province, Under provincial science and technology project, 2021.
[2] V. H. Nguyen, Handbook of Rice. Hanoi Agricultural Publishing House, 2006, pp. 172-179, 259-285.
[3] T. S. Trinh, T. P. N. Pham, V. T. Tran, and D. H. Dao, “Effect of planting season on rice yield on saline soils in Duy Xuyen district, Quang Nam province,” Hue University Journal of Science: Agriculture and Rural Development, vol. 108, no. 9, pp. 21-27, 2015.
[4] D. H. Vu and D. T. Vu, “Effect of Transplanting Dates and Plant Density on Growth and Grain Yield of Photoperiod Sensitive Rice var. Bao thai lun,” Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences- VJAS, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 137-145, 2017.
[5] M. A. Mannan, M. S. U. Bhuiya, M. I. M. Akhand, and M. M. Rana, “Influnce of Date planting on the Growth and Yield of locally Popular Traditional Aromatic Rice Varieties in Boro Season,” Journal of Sciece Foundation, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 20-28, 2012.
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[7] V. P. Hoang, “Research on some technical measures in the SRI improved rice intensification system on non-water-active land in Vo Nhai district, Thai Nguyen,” Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences- VJAS, vol. 10, pp. 20-26, 2012.
[8] T. D. Luan, Research, conservation and restoration of Nep Huong Bao Lac, Pi Pot Cao Bang rice varieties, Summary report of the provincial project, 2019.
[9] T. L. Nguyen, “Selection of Planting Date for two Special sticky Rice varieties: Khau Pai and Khau Luong Van in Tuyen Quang Province,” Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences- VJAS, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 419-428, 2017.
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[13] N. D. Nguyen, Textbook of rice, Can Tho University, 2008.
[14] T. T. Tran, “Study on the effects of seedling age and number of inoculations on growth, development and yield of Bac Thinh rice variety in SRI improved rice farming system in spring crop 2020 in Trieu Hoa, Thanh Hoa,” Master's thesis in agriculture, Hong Duc University, 2020.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34238/tnu-jst.7072
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