About this article

Received: 10/03/22                Revised: 23/05/22                Published: 25/05/22


1. Ha Thanh Tung Email to author, TNU - University of Technology
2. Nguyen Thanh Ha, Thai Nguyen University
3. Pham Thi Hong Anh, TNU - University of Information and Communication Technology


Integrating Photovoltaic-Energy Storage Hybrid Systems (PESHS) into the Distribution Grid (DG) has become increasingly popular, which has brought in new resources and challenges for its optimal operation. This paper presents the mechanism of influence of PESHS on the loss (voltage and power) of the DG. The Double Objectives Extended Reactive Power Optimization (DERPO) model is built with an objective function to minimize power loss and reduce the risk of voltage over shoot, while considering additional control variables: active power of the electrical storage device and the reactive power of the Photovoltaic (PV) battery. The Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithms (NSGA-II) are applied to solve the optimization problem using fuzzy set theory to get the optimal compromising solution. Comparative simulation results between DERPO and other reactive power optimization methods prove that the proposed model can perform unified and coordinated optimization between active and reactive power flows, and at the same time improve the voltage safety margin and reduce the loss in the DPG.


Optimization; Reactive power; Solar power; Storage device; NSGA-II


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.34238/tnu-jst.5665


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