About this article

Received: 14/02/23                Revised: 11/04/23                Published: 16/04/23


1. Pham Van Duy, University of Engineering and Technology - Vietnam National University, Hanoi
2. Nghiem Hoang Long, University of Engineering and Technology - Vietnam National University, Hanoi
3. Le Dinh Anh, University of Engineering and Technology - Vietnam National University, Hanoi
4. Tran The Hung Email to author, Le Quy Don Technical University


Nowadays, new vehicles are being developed to replace traditional internal combustion engines. These types of vehicles require light weight to save energy, their movement is greatly affected by surrounding objects and wind direction. This paper examines the effect of the yaw on coefficient drag in the process of moving by using the numerical simulation method on the Ansys Fluent software. This simulation is applied on the Ahmed Body ½ scale model by the RANS k-ω turbulent mode. The research paper builds a grid communting, model selection, identifies aerodynamic characteristics such as coefficient drag and vortex velocity field around the model when moving. The results of this research allows to assess the effects of the yaw angles with the aim of studying reducing drag and increasing aerodynamic perfomance for the vehicles.


Aerodynamic; Yaw angle; Votex field; Velocity; Separation flow


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