About this article

Received: 02/01/24                Revised: 29/01/24                Published: 31/01/24


1. To Lan Anh, Institute of New Technology - Academy of Military Science and Technology
2. Tran Thi Thanh Quynh, Institute of New Technology - Academy of Military Science and Technology
3. Dang Phuong Nam, Institute of New Technology - Academy of Military Science and Technology
4. Dinh Thi Hoa, Viện Công nghệ mới - Viện Khoa học và Công nghệ quân sự
5. Vu Ngoc Toan, Institute of New Technology - Academy of Military Science and Technology
6. Nguyen Thi Xuan, Institute of New Technology - Academy of Military Science and Technology
7. Nguyen Minh Tri, Institute of New Technology - Academy of Military Science and Technology
8. Nguyen Khanh Hoang Viet Email to author, Institute of New Technology - Academy of Military Science and Technology


Cholera toxin produced by Vibrio cholerae is one of the most common waterborne pathogens responsible for dysentery, especially in developing countries.Therefore, it is necessary to detect CT rapidly to control the quality of water and diagnose the disease caused bythis pathogen. In this study, the test strip for CT rapid detection has been successfully developed based on immunochromatographic techniques. The concentration of antibodies on the control line and the test line were 1.3 µg/cm and 4 µg/cm, respectively. The suspension of gold nanoparticles 15±2 nm, OD520=1 was prepared for conjugating with the capture antibody at a concentration of 200 µg/mL, pH 9. The resultedtest strip enabled the detection of CT at 10 ng/mL within 10min. The sensitivity and specificity of the test strip were 96.67% and 100%, respectively. These results are initial steps for developing biological kits to quickly detect pathogensin water and food.


Foodborne pathogens; Cholera toxin; Vibrio cholerae; Immunochromatography; Rapid lateral flow test strips


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